MC# Programming System for Linux USER'S GUIDE 1. INTRODUCTION This package contains MC# 3.0 Programming System for Linux. MC# Programming System can be used on both multicore (or SMP - symmetric multiprocessing) machines and clusters. The rules of programming for multicore machines (= concurrent prigramming) and for clusters (= distributed programming) can be found in "Introduction to programming in MC# language" document. 2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 1) Operating systems: all ones which support Mono ( - an open source implementation of .NET for Unix-like systems. 2) Mono >= 2.10 3) Libgdiplus libarary >= 2.10 (to support the graphical applications) 4) rsh or ssh configutred on the cluster nodes for password free logins 3. INSTALLATION To install MC# on your machine you need to do the following steps: 1) Untar the gzip-archive into the corresponding directory, for example ~/mcsharp 2) Add the following environment variables: $MCSHARPPATH - main directory of MC# Programming System $MONO_PATH - in that directory Mono will search needed dlls; you must add here the $MCSHARPPATH/lib and $MCSHARPPATH/bin directories $PATH - add here the directory $MCSHARPPATH/bin $LD_LIBRARY_PATH - you must add here $MCSHARPPATH/lib For example, if you use bash shell, you need to add the following lines into the file .bashrc: export MCSHARPPATH=/mcsharp export MONO_PATH=$MCSHARPPATH/lib:$MCSHARPPATH/bin:$MONO_PATH export PATH=$MCSHARPPATH/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MCSHARPPATH/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 3) Make MC# libraries and modules: cd ~/mcsharp make NOTE. ------------- To run the distribute MC# programs on cluster, the installer will create in ~/.mcsharp directory two files .rmport .wnport and will write there some free ports on your system. These ports are needed to Reource Manager (RM) and WorkNode (WN) components of MC# Programming System. RM uses port from .rmport-file to listen connections from WN-services. WNs are running on all cluster nodes and use port from .wnport-file to listen connections from RM. You can change these ports manually if needed. Also the installer will create in ~/.mcsharp directory the file .accesstype in which you need to point out a command type to enter to the cluster nodes ("rsh" value is used by default). 4. COMPILATION OF MC# APPLICATIONS Compilation of MC# applications is performed by "mcsc" compiler. There are two stages of compilation: - compilation from MC# to C#, and then - compilation from C# to bytecode. The latter is performed by standard "gmcs" compiler from the Mono package. The source files with MC# code must have .mcs extensions. Compilation command usage: >mcsc myprogram.mcs You can use any parameters for C# compiler as usual: >mcsc /t:library /out:mylibrary.dll myprogram.mcs You can mix an arbitrary number of MC# and C# files to compile: >mcsc /r:mylibrary.dll a.mcs b.mcs c.cs d.cs Compilation of concurrent and distributed (intended to run on a cluster) doesn't differ in any way. 5. RUNNING OF MC# PROGRAMS To run a concurrent MC# program (i.e., a program which uses async-methods) you need to perform a command like >mono myprogram.exe arg1 ... argN This kind of MC# program running we call a running in "local mode". In particular, if you run a distributed MC# program (i.e., a program which uses movable methods) in local mode, then the movable methods will be interpreted as async-methods executing on local machine. You may use this as a convenient tool to debug the didstributed programs before running them on cluster. To run a distribited MC# program on a cluster, you nedd to do 3 steps: 1) boot the MC# Runtime system, 2) run the program in distributed mode, 3) halt the MC# Runrime system. To boot the Runtime-system you need to perform >mcsboot (by default mcsboot uses $MCSHARPPATH/bin/nodes file). In the file with names, each name must be unique and be placed on the separate line, for example node-21 node-22 node-31 node-32 A line which contains the symbol "#" in the first position is considered as a comment. To use a current machine where an application is starting as a worknode, you may use "localhost" name in the file with names. Often a file with names of the nodes is provided by some batch system running on the cluster. In this case, mcsboot has some additional switches to account for the format of such file. The switch -d will lead to ignoring of multiply occurences of some names in the file. So if a batch system provides the file with the names in the format like node-1 -| number of occurences is equal to number ... | processors on the node node-1 -| node-2 ... node-2 ... node-n ... node-n you need to start mcsboot as >mcsboot -d If a batch system provides the file where the number of processors on the node follows by the colon like node-1:8 node-2:8 ... node-n:8 you need to apply the switch -n as >mcsboot -n In fact, there are two different possibilities to use the main machine (frontend) and work nodes of the cluster for running of distributed MC# programs: 1) to run an application on the frontend and use the work nodes for running of movable methods, and 2) to run an application on the one of the work nodes with running movable methods on the other work nodes. In the last case, it os reasonable don't use a work node running the application as a node to execute movable methods. In similar cases, we may to ignore a first name in the file with names by applying the switch "-f" as follows >mcsboot -f As usually, you may apply a several switches to the same file as below >mcsboot -d -f If the booting of MC# Runtime system is successful, then you may start a distributed MC# program by specifying the additional switch /np to the command line: >mono myprogram.exe arg1 .. argn /np N where N is a number of nodes you like use in performing of your program. In the most cases, N is equal to the number of nodes which were enumerated in the files with names for mcsboot. By using the switch /n you may point out the number of processors (cores) you wish to use on the each node: >mono myprogram.exe /np 8 /n 2 This may be useful for debugging and measurement purposes. The switch /completeboot forces the Runtime to wait when WN services has been started on the all nodes and only then to start an application. Otherwise, a distribution of movable methods between the nodes can be strated before some WN services become ready. This may lead to uneven workload between the nodes. The switch /withlog forces to save the outputs of movable methods running on the work nodes. The outputs are saved in the log files - one file for the one node. The switch /showstats forces to output a some statistics about running of distributed MC# program. To stop the MC# runtime system you need to perform the command >mcshalt or >mcshalt -force The last command allows to terminate normally the failed MC# applications in some cases. 6. RUNNING MC# PROGRAMS in BATCH MODE Here we show how to run MC# programs on clusters with the different batch systems. 1) PBS/Torque Below is a pattern of the script to run MC# programs under PBS/Torque batch system. #!/bin/sh #PBS -N #PBS -j n #PBS -o #PBS -l walltime= #PBS -l nodes=:ppn= #PBS -q batch set -x cd cat $PBS_NODEFILE > hosts mcsboot -d -f hosts mono /np 3 mcshalt -force exit To start such script, you need to place it in file, say, mcsharp_job and perform the command >qsub mcsharp_job Here is a some example of the script: #!/bin/sh #PBS -N mcsharp_job #PBS -j n #PBS -o /home/myname/output_file.txt #PBS -l walltime=1:00:00 #PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=4 #PBS -q batch set -x cd /home/myname cat $PBS_NODEFILE > hosts mcsboot -d -f hosts mono myprogram.exe /withlog /showstats /completeboot /np 3 mcshalt -force exit 2) A task running management system (for MVS-100K cluster) A task running management system (TRMS) is a batch system developed in the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (Russian Academy of Sciences). This system is used on MVS-100K cluster in the Joint SuperComputer Center of Russian Academy of Sciences. Here is a pattern of the script to run MC# programs under TRMS batch system: #!/bin/bash getnodes -np -maxtime taskname=`mlt` rc=1 while [ 0 -ne $rc ]; do mqtest -rcode $taskname rc=$? # sleep 1 done echo "getnodes DONE dir=" $taskname cd $taskname mcsboot -n .hosts # mono < name of .exe-module> /np > # mcshalt -force mkill $taskname To start such kind script, you need to perform the command >./